Misses’ Skirt, Culottes and Trousers: Skirt, culottes and trousers with side front pockets have mock fly front. Self fabric belt carriers and optional top-stitched trim.
Suggested Fabrics: Cotton, Denim, Poplin, Rayon, Twill, Wool Cotton Blends, Linen, Crepe, Lightweight Wool, Fine Suiting, Flannel, Worsted, Barathea, Gaberdine, Jersey, Synthetics. Skirt and Trousers also in Corduroy, Needlecord, Velvet. Culottes and Trousers also in Sailcloth.
Condition: Most Pieces are Uncut and Folded. Piece D Skirt Back has small rip on edge of waistline and another on hem. Cover in Great Shape.